Application and nursing of#$NBSshock index#$NBSin the early#$NBSanti#$NBSshock#$NBStreatment of#$NBSclosed abdominal injury
中文关键词:  腹部闭合伤 抗休克 休克指数
王飞燕 上海市第六人民医院 1972646891@qq.com 
魏薇萍* 上海市第六人民医院 19726468@qq.com 
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      目的 验证休克指数及CRAMS创伤评分法的应用在腹部闭合伤患者早期抗休克治疗中效果的研究。方法 (1) 将45例腹部闭合伤患者按随机数字表法分为干预组和对照组,两组均接受腹部闭合伤抗休克常规治疗,干预组按照干预策略既定的方案进行抗休克指数的监测及CRAMS创伤评分法查看两组之间的存活率是否存在统计学差异。(2)回顾45例腹部闭合伤病例,将其分为腹腔出血组和腹腔无出血组,探讨休克指数,CRAMS创伤评分法诊断出血的灵敏度。 结果 (1) 干预组与对照组相比,在腹腔脏器闭合性损伤时把休克指数与CRAMS创伤评分法相结合,与单纯的依靠收缩压和心率相比,在统计学上无明显差异。(2)通过对45例病例2个指标的灵敏度分析,监测休克指数与CRAMS创伤评分法对于判断腹腔内出血的灵敏度高于监测心率和收缩压。 结论 据试验结果我们可以推断:结合休克指数与CRAMS创伤评分法在腹部闭合伤患者抗休克的治疗中较单纯依靠心率和收缩压更具有临床意义。在急诊科,我们可以增加对于腹部闭合伤患者抗休克治疗时的休克指数与CRAMS创伤评分法的监测,可提高对于腹部闭合伤患者的病情判断、指导抢救及预后。
      Objective To study the effect of shock index and CRAMS trauma score used in the verification of closed abdominal trauma patients in the treatment of early anti shock. Methods (1) 45 cases of closed abdominal injury were randomly divided into intervention group and control group, two groups received conventional treatment of closed abdominal injury of anti shock, anti shock index monitoring programme and CRAMS trauma score in accordance with the intervention strategy established by the intervention group to see if there are statistically significant differences in the survival rate. (2) A review of 45 cases of closed abdominal injuries will be divided into abdominal cavity hemorrhage group and abdominal non bleeding group, to investigate the shock sensitivity index and CRAMS trauma score in diagnosis of hemorrhage. Results (1) Compared with just monitoring systolic blood pressure and rate between intervention group and control group, there are no significant statistics difference in the abdominal closed injury patients when monitoring shock index and CRAMS trauma score. (2) The analysis of 2 sensitivity indexes of 45 cases , monitoring index and score for judging the shock of intra abdominal hemorrhage had a higher sensitivity than that of monitoring heart rate and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions According to the results, we can conclude: the treatment of closed abdominal trauma combined with shock index and CRAMS trauma score in patients with anti shock index has more clinical significance than simply relying on heart rate and systolic blood pressure. In the emergency department, we can increase the monitoring of the shock index and CRAMS trauma scoreof closed abdominal injury in patients with anti shock treatment to improve the condition of patients with closed abdominal injury, and the rescue and prognosis judgment.
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