何静,李玉梅,崔明.应用Delphi法构建社区舒缓疗护准入标准Application of Delphi method in Constructing Community soothing palliative care access standards 何静1 王汇2 崔明3*[J].上海护理,2017,17(6):
应用Delphi法构建社区舒缓疗护准入标准Application of Delphi method in Constructing Community soothing palliative care access standards 何静1 王汇2 崔明3*
中文关键词:  Delphi法  社区  舒缓疗护  准入标准
英文关键词:Delphi  Community  palliative care  access standards
何静 上海市杨浦区殷行社区卫生服务中心 freedomjing88@163.com 
李玉梅 上海市同济大学附属肺科医院  
崔明 上海市杨浦区殷行社区卫生服务中心  
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      摘要:目的 应用Delphi法构建社区舒缓疗护的架构,突出国内舒缓疗护的服务特点,确立舒缓疗护的准入标准。方法 通过文献回顾研究法、并根据研究主题遴选位专家进行两轮Delphi专家咨询。采用自制的问卷进行调查,主要包括:①专家基本情况;②舒缓疗护准入标准:一级指标5项(服务对象、状态评估、社会心理、症状与体征及多维评估),二级指标18项和三级指标49项;③专家对问卷内容熟悉程度评价表。依据参考资料及文献,确立相应的级别指标;根据研究方向和主题内容遴选专家,应用Delphi法对专家进行两轮问卷咨询。结果 两轮函询问卷回收率达100%,专家的积极性好;权威程度处于较高水平;专家的协调程度良好。完善后舒缓疗护准入标准共确立一级指标5项;,二级指标增至21项(其中删减1项),分别增加了移动力、社会评估、教育程度、抢救经历;,三级指标增至61项,分别增加了无他人协助无法移动身体、无他人协助无法翻身、对家人、朋友和社交的社会评估等。。结论 应用Delphi法构建的社区舒缓疗护准入标准,筛选的条目符合准入标准,可为我国社区开展舒缓疗护提供借鉴和参考。
      【Abstract】Objective: Using Delphi method to establish the standards of palliative care in community, to highlight the service characters and to get access to the standards of demostic palliative care. Methods Through literature review method, and according to the research topic selection to two rounds of expert Delphi expert consultation. Using self-made questionnaire to survey, mainly including: (1) basic information experts; (2) relieve care access standards: class 5 (service object, state evaluation, social psychological symptoms and signs, and multi-dimensional evaluation), secondary index 18 and 49 a three-level index;(3) experts familiar with the questionnaire content degree evaluation. Results The results of two rounds of enquiry for questionnaire recovery rate was 100%, and the expert's enthusiasm;The degree of authority at a higher level;Experts of coordination degree is good. Improve the index of soothing care access standards were established after class 5;, secondary index increased to 21 (one which cuts), increase the movement, the social evaluation, education degree, rescue experience;, three-level index rose to 61, increase respectively, unable to move the body, no others helping countless others unable to roll over, with family members, friends and social social evaluation, etc.).Conclusion Application of Delphi method constructs to the community palliative care access standard, screening entry access standards, can provide reference for palliative care in our communities and reference.
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