The investigation and analysis of the cognition of nurses on peripheral venous catheter in a second class general hospital / Rong Gennan, Huang Dongmei, Zhang Lizhen, et al.// Bao shan Branch of Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200431 China
中文关键词:  护士  外周静脉留置针  认知
英文关键词:Nurses  Peripheral venous catheter  cognition
容根南* 复旦大学附属华山医院宝山分院 rgnshbs@163.com 
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      目的:了解护士对外周静脉留置针的认知情况,以提高其认知更好地指导外周静脉留置针的临床应用。 方法:采用自制调查问卷对上海市某二级综合医院的216名护士进行调查。 结果:护士对外周静脉留置的认知总得分为30分~85分(55.75±9.37分),合格率35%。回归分析显示,护士职务、留置针相关知识培训情况与使用频率、科室是其认知的主要影响因素(P<0.05)。 结论:医院相关部门应加强护士外周静脉留置针相关知识的培训,尤其是新标准中修订的部分、留置针应用频次较少的科室,并充分发挥护士长、带教老师的管理督导作用,以提高外周静脉留置针的应用效果。
      Objective To understand the cognition of nurses on peripheral venous catheter, so as to improve the cognition and better to guide the clinical application of peripheral venous catheter. Methods Totally 216 nurses from a second class general hospital in Shanghai were investigated by self-designed questionnaire. Results The total cognition score of nurses was 30~85 points(55.75±9.37) on peripheral venous catheter, and the qualification rate was 35%. Regression analysis showed that positions, training and using frequency about peripheral venous catheter,department were significant factors of nurses’cognition. Conclusion It suggests that hospitals and relevant department should reinforce the continuing education of the knowledge of nurses on peripheral venous catheter, especially the revised parts of the new standard and the department of application of peripheral venous catheter less frequency revised parts, and give full of the supervision function of the head nurse and teacher management, so as to improve the application effect of peripheral vein catheter.
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