中文关键词:  照护者参与式 延续性护理 中风恢复期
英文关键词:Carers Participation Continuity of care Stroke recovery
王红 暨南大学附属第二临床医学院深圳市人民医院 518020
谌朝霞 暨南大学附属医院深圳市人民医院中医科 518020
彭英 暨南大学附属医院深圳市人民医院中医科 518020
王鑫 暨南大学附属医院深圳市人民医院中医科 518020
吴惠平* 暨南大学附属第二临床医学院深圳市人民医院 518020
摘要点击次数: 2702
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      Purpose:Discussion caregivers participatory continuity of care on rehabilitation of patients with ischemic stroke recovery.Methods:A randomized, 68 patients with stroke were divided into study group and control group (34 cases each), both groups to implement quality care, the study group to guide caregivers learn relevant knowledge in care and rehabilitation during hospitalization, participation hospitalization after discharge continuity of care and rehabilitation rehabilitation period.Results:The difference before and after the life activity of the two groups of patient care was significant (P <0.01), compliance behavior and neurological deficit situation were significant (P <0.05), the case of differences in the incidence of complications was significant (P < 0.05).Conclusion:Caregivers participatory continuity of care after discharge so that patients recovering from stroke can still get the appropriate care and rehabilitation, help reduce complications and promote the recovery of limb function and life skills, and improve the quality of life of patients.
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