中文关键词:  植入式静脉输液港 高龄 护理 并发症
英文关键词:Implantable venous port Elderly Nursing Complication
王静怡 华东医院 karlyiyi@sina.com 
夏文兰* 华东医院 - 
郁雅艳 华东医院  
余秋丽 华东医院  
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      目的 探讨10例高龄老年患者植入式筋脉输液港的并发症护理与处理对策。方法 选择2013年11月—2016年6月复旦大学附属华东医院老年科应用植入式静脉输液港的老年患者26例,观察静脉输液港在高龄老年患者应用期间遇到相关并发症的护理与处理对策。结果 植入式静脉输液港在应用期间共发生并发症10例,其中导管相关性感染2例、导管堵塞2例、药物外渗2例、皮肤破损1例、皮肤过敏2例、导管夹闭综合征1例。结论 专业规范的护理操作和全面的评估能有效的预防和减少并发症的发生,为高龄老年患者提供更安全有效的静脉通路,以及提高生活质量,值得进一步推广。
      Object To explore the nursing and treatment of complications in 10 elderly patients with implantable venous access port.Methods Selection of 26 cases of senile patients who apply implantable venous access port in our hospital from June 2016 to November 2013,To observe the nursing and treatment strategies of the application of the infusion port in the elderly patients during the application period.Results 10 cases of complications occurred during the application of implantable venous port,2 cases of catheter-related infection,2 cases of catheter blockage,2 cases of drug extravasation,1 case of skin damage,2 cases of skin allergy,1 case of Pinch-off Syndrome .Conclusion Professional standardized nursing operation and comprehensive assessment can effectively prevent and reduce the incidence of complications.And providing a more secure and effective venous access for elderly patients and improve the quality of life.So it is worthy of further promotion.
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