中文关键词:  糖尿病  护理门诊  专科护理  调查
英文关键词:diabetes  nurse-led clinics  specialist nursing  investigation
贾芸* 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 jiayunyt@126.com 
庹焱 上海市护理学会  
富晶晶 复旦大学护理学院  
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      目的 调查上海地区糖尿病护理门诊开展情况并进行分析。方法 2016年2月-2016年12月,将二级以上医院正在开展糖尿病护理门诊的医院列为研究对象,由出诊护士完成调查问卷,内容涉及门诊基本信息、就诊患者信息、出诊护士信息、护士自身评价。结果 (1)门诊基本信息:28家医院的护理门诊设立时间6个月—9年,平均(4.82±3.77)年;其中18家医院由护士独立出诊(占64%)并收费,其他为医护联合门诊并免费;年门诊量三级医院12-480人次(年平均158.12±125.08人次),二级医院24-1200人次(年平均262±462.86人次);患者教育/咨询时间10-120分钟/人(平均35.71±23.32分钟)等。(2)就诊患者信息:就诊病人中医生转介占64%,就诊病种不局限于糖尿病,内容广泛,护理门诊所提供服务包括个体咨询、健康教育、行为指导和直接护理。(3)出诊护士信息:出诊护士均为大专以上学历,高级职称占61%,由护士长兼护理门诊工作有占71%,所有护士均通过糖尿病专科护理相关培训并获得合格证书。(4)护士自身评价:所有护士对门诊工作满意,认为实现了自身价值并对今后发展充满信心。结论 上海地区糖尿病专科护理门诊正在稳步发展,不仅为患者提供了集咨询、教育、护理、管理为一体的高品质综合服务,也满足其从生理到心理等多方面的健康需要,对临床治疗和疾病改善发挥积极作用。为了完善服务机制和深化服务品质,护理门诊的服务形式、流程、评价、随访和管控机制有待规范和完善。
      Objective To investigate the status of nurse-led diabetes clinics in Shanghai and analysis its reasons. Methods A total of 28 specialist nurses working in diabetes clinics were surveyed using a self-developed questionnaire. Result Diabetes clinics were set up 0.5 to 9 years, with an average (4.82±3.77) years. 18 (64%) of them were nurse-led and chargeable. The year outpatient service quantity of tertiary hospitals was 12-480, with an average (158.12±125.08) while secondary hospitals was 24-1200, with an average (262±462.86). Education time were up 30-120 min with an average (35.71±23.32). Most patients (64%) were referred by doctors. Specialist nurses provide extensive service such as individual counseling, health education, behavior guidance and direct nursing care about diabetes and other diseases. Specialist nurses working in diabetes clinics have at least a junior college degree and a qualification certificate of diabetes-related training. 61% of the participants have senior positions and 71% also work as head nurses. Specialist nurses are satisfied with the working status in diabetes clinics and show great confidence in future because they can achieve own value. Conclusion The nurse-led diabetes clinics in Shanghai develop steadily and the service form, process, evaluation and follow-up visit need detailed standards.
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