中文关键词:  妊娠纹  初产妇  孕期体质量增长  危险因素
英文关键词:striae gravidarum  primiparae  gestational weight gain  risk factors
李静* 529031 广东省江门市,江门市五邑中医院产科 284394417@qq.com 
陈维雅 529031 广东省江门市,江门市五邑中医院产科  
蔡育银 529031 广东省江门市,江门市五邑中医院产科  
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      目的 探讨初产妇腹部妊娠纹发生的影响因素,为制定干预措施提供依据。方法 将2015年10月-2016年5月在江门市五邑中医院产科住院分娩的90名腹部有妊娠纹的初产妇及同期住院分娩的90名腹部无妊娠纹的初产妇作为研究对象进行病例对照研究。采用卡方检验及Logistic 回归模型进行单因素及多因素分析。结果 单因素分析结果显示,孕妇的孕前BMI、孕期运动量、孕期体质量增长范围和增重速度、使用皮肤保湿剂、妊娠纹家族遗传史、分娩前体质量和新生儿体质量等8个因素与妊娠纹有关。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,孕期运动量少、有妊娠纹家族遗传史和孕期体质量增长过多是妊娠纹发生的危险因素,孕期体质量匀速增长是妊娠纹发生的保护因素。结论 加强孕期体质量管理,控制孕期体质量增长范围和速度,并指导孕妇每日进行30分钟以上运动对预防腹部妊娠纹可能会有作用。
      Objective To explore the influencing factors for abdominal striae gravidarum of primiparae. Method A case-control study was implemented among 90 primiparae with abdominal striae gravidarum and 90 primiparae without abdominal striae gravidarum selected from Wuyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital from Octomber 2015 to May 2016. Chi square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used for statistical evaluation. Results The results of chi square test showed that the body mass index ( BMI) before pregnancy, exercise during pregnancy, weight gain and weight growth rate, use of topical skin moisturizer, family history of striae gravidarum , maternal weight before delivery, newborn weight were associated with the presence of striae gravidarum. According to multivariate logistic regression analysis, less exercise during pregnancy , has family history of striae gravidarum, and had gained too more weight during pregnancy were the risk factors of the presence of striae gravidarum. Weight gain growth evenly during pregnancy was the protective factor of the presence of striae gravidarum. Conclusion To strengthen the management of pregnancy weight, control the scope and speed of weight gain during pregnancy, and guide the pregnant women to exercise more than 30 minutes daily maybe useful for prevent abdominal stretch marks
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