中文关键词:  医用水凝胶  白血病  PICC置管  静脉炎  满意度
英文关键词:Medical hydrogel  leukemia  PICC catheter  phlebitis  satisfaction
倪慧珏* 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院南院 renjixueyeke@126.com 
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      目的 探讨医用水凝胶对白血病PICC置管患者静脉炎及满意度的影响。方法 将我院2016年1月至12月期间收治的采用PICC置管的160例患者按照随机抽样分组,对照组80例给予常规护理和湿敷,观察组80例给予常规护理和湿敷的基础上加用医用水凝胶,比较两组患者静脉炎的情况发生率、干预时间(静脉炎的发生时间)、舒适度及护理满意度。结果 观察组的静脉炎发生率低于对照组,严重程度轻于对照组,发生时间晚于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组执行干预所需时间短于对照组,PICC舒适度高于对照组,护理满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 医用水凝胶能够预防白血病PICC置管患者静脉炎的发生,提高患者期间的舒适度和护理满意度,减少护理人员工作量,值得推广。
      Objective To investigate the effect of medical hydrogel on phlebitis and satisfaction of leukemia patients with PICC catheter. Methods period were the PICC tube in 160 cases of leukemia patients with PICC in our hospital from January to December 2015 were randomly divided into two groups by inpatient number, the control group (80 cases) was received routine nursing and wet dressing, the observation group was given routine nursing and medical hydrogel, two groups were compared of phlebitis, intervention time, degree of comfort and nursing satisfaction. Results Phlebitis occurrence rate in the observation group was lower than that in the control group, the severity was less than that in the control group, occurred time was later than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The time needed for intervention in the observation group was shorter than that on the control group, PICC comfort was higher than that in the control group, and the nursing satisfaction was higher than that in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Medical hydrogel can prevent the occurrence of phlebitis in leukemia patients with PICC, improve the comfort degree and nursing satisfaction, reduce the workload of nursing staff, it is worth promoting.
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