中文关键词:  肿瘤科护士  姑息照护  继续教育  知识  态度
英文关键词:Oncology nurse  Palliative care  Education  Knowledge  Attitudes
赵文娟 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 a5fashion@126.com 
张晓菊 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院  
陆箴琦 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院  
黄喆* 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 1475134103@qq.com 
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      目的 设计针对肿瘤科护士的姑息照护继续教育课程,并评价其实施效果。方法 采用自身前后对照设计,于2016年4月到5月,对上海市45家医院的45名肿瘤科护士予以姑息照护继续教育培训,课程内容包括疼痛及其他症状的管理、沟通技巧、死亡教育、哀伤辅导及伦理问题等,共计40学时。培训前后采用姑息照护知识问卷(palliative care quiz for nursing,PCQN)和Bradley态度评估问卷进行测评。结果 培训后肿瘤科护士的PCQN得分高于培训前(p<0.05),培训后肿瘤科护士的Bradley态度得分也高于培训前(p<0.05)。结论 针对肿瘤科护士的姑息照护继续教育课程能有效改善肿瘤科护士的姑息照护知识和态度,继续教育课程具有必要性和有效性。
      Objective To evaluate an education programme in palliative nursing care designed to improve oncology nurses’ knowledge and attitudes. Methods A repeated measure design was to evaluate the effectiveness of the education program. A total of 45 oncology nurses from 45 hospitals in Shanghai participated in the study from April to May in 2016. The lecture content comprised pain and symptom management, communication strategies, loss/grief and bereavement, ethical/legal and culture issues, and so on. The data were collected using the Palliative Care Quiz for Nursing (PCQN) and an end-of-life attitudes survey. Results Post test scores were significantly higher (p<0.05) than pretest scores regarding overall knowledge on palliative care。 There was also a statistically significant improvement in attitudes of participants (p<0.05). Conclusion The education program produced a significant positive change about palliative care in knowledge and attitudes among oncology nurses.
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