Self management training program for schizophrenic inpatients and its influence to their social abilities and life qualities (Yangpu district mental health center, shanghai 200093,China)Zhu Xiao-jie, Cao Xin-mei, Xu Wen-jing,Xia Hai-tao,Ni Ling
中文关键词:  住院慢性精神分裂症  自我管理训练  生活质量  社会功能
英文关键词:Schizophrenia  Inpatients  Self-management  Life qualities  Social abilities
朱晓洁 上海市杨浦区精神卫生中心 xiaoheilala@126.com 
曹新妹* 上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心 cxm550@126.com 
徐文静 上海市杨浦区精神卫生中心  
夏海涛 上海杨浦区精神卫生中心  
倪琳 上海市杨浦区精神卫生中心  
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      Abstract Objective The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effectiveness of self management training program on schizophrenic inpatients in regards to their social abilities and life qualities. This paper also has great reference value in the continued lookout for more effective ways of managing schizophrenic patients. Methods Using convenience sampling methods, 103 schizophrenic inpatients were chosen for this investigation and have been divided into two groups of which 53 in the observation group were undergoing the self management training program with conventional nursing care, 50 in the control group implement conventional nursing care. By using PSP and SQLS, an assessment of both groups in regards to their social abilities and life qualities has been made after the first 3 months weeks of the program, and another assessment taken 6 months hereafter, in order to compare their results with their initial readings. Results A comparison of the results between the observation group and the control group has shown dramatic differences, with observation group
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