After brain pool on the saddle disappeared intracranial hypotension syndrome nursing observation and measures#$NLLIU Hai-yan
中文关键词:  脑肿瘤  环池消失  颅内低压综合症  护理观察与措施
英文关键词:After “cisterna ambiens disappeared”intracranial hypotension syndrome nursing observation and interventions
刘海燕* 复旦大学附属华山医院 sunweili-2007@hotmail.com 
摘要点击次数: 2227
全文下载次数: 119
      目的 通过对脑肿瘤患者术后在环池消失时颅内低压综合症的护理观察,为医生提供有价值的信息,并实施相应的护理措施,以利于进一步提高临床护理质量。 方法 对近来3例较为典型病例的临床症状、脑脊液检查及影像学进行综合观察、分析颅内低压的症状特征。 结果 这3例颅内低压综合症病例,由于护理观察及时,配合医生对症治疗,预后效果是相当好的。 结论 在护理观察中要求护士不仅对脑肿瘤患者术后常态反应及变化随时关注,而且最好能对头颅CT等影像学及脑脊液漏和引流性状的基本知识也能知晓。这样既有利于提高护理观察的质量,也有利于提高医生诊断的效率和准确性。
      Objective To patients with brain tumors through the in cisterna ambiens disappear of intracranial hypotension syndrome nursing observation, for the doctor to provide valuable information, and implement corresponding nursing measures, for the further improve the quality of clinical nursing. Methods The three recent cases relatively typical cases of the clinical symptoms check and image of cerebrospinal fluid comprehensive observation, analysis of the characteristics of intracranial hypotension symptoms. Results The three cases of intracranial hypotension syndrome of typical cases, due to the timely and effective nursing observation, with the timely symptomatic treatment, the prognosis is quite good. Conclusions Nursing observation requires not only nurse to patients with brain tumors after the reaction and change at any time to normal observation, also requested the nurse can best for head CT imaging and cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and drainage properties of the basic knowledge of also can know. This is not only beneficial to the improvement of the quality of nursing observation; it is helpful to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the diagnosis.
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