The Curative Effect into the pattern ofHealth belief on the Exuberance Instruction
中文关键词:  健康信念模式,急性胰腺炎,健康教育
傅玲凤 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院普外科 404469774@qq.com 
王萍* 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院普外科 wangp2090@2m9h.net 
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      []目的 本文通过运用健康信念模式对急性胰腺炎患者进行健康教育,并对实验效果作出评价,以求为临床提供一种新的健康教育模式。方法 选择上海某医院急性胰腺炎住院患者60例,随机分成2组,每组各30例,入院时运用健康信念模式从易感性、严重性、预防性、促进性、影响性、制约性6个方面内容对患者进行评估,实验组针对不足,根据健康信念模式6个方面进行宣教;对照组运用常规健康宣教模式,2周后观察2组患者知识掌握情况及临床效果。结果两组患者知识掌握程度的分值有显著差异p<0.05,实验组患者健康知识掌握程度的分数均值均高于对照组。结论运用健康信念模式对急性胰腺炎患者进行针对性的健康教育,可使患者掌握情况明显增强,提高对疾病的认知程度,自觉地参与康复训练和自我保健护理,提高遵医行为,降低复发率,延缓病情进展。
      []Objective Through use of health belief model of liver Acute Pancreatitis patients with health education, and the experimental results to assess the purpose of providing for a new health education model. Methods 60 patients of Shanghai some hospital with Acute Pancreatitis diseases were randomly divided into two groups, each of the 30 cases, the time of admission from the use of health belief model susceptibility, seriousness, preventive, promoting, impact, Constraints of the six aspects of the assessment of patients, the experimental group against inadequate, according to the Health Belief Model six aspects of missionaries; healthy control group using conventional mode of missionaries, two weeks after the observation of two groups with knowledge of the situation and clinical effect. Results That two groups of patients with knowledge of the extent to score a significant difference P <0.05, the experimental group with master degree of health knowledge scores were higher than average.Conclution The use of health belief model of liver Pancreatitis patients with health education can make patients master the state of illness,increase the degree of acknowledge of the disease,join the exercising and self-care consciously.
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