Family-centered Qualitative Research of Radiationtherapy Care for Patients with Malignant Neoplasms
中文关键词:  以家庭为中心  恶性肿瘤  内心体验  质性研究
英文关键词:Family-centered  Malignant neoplasms  Inner experience  Qualitative research
张燕* 泰安市肿瘤防治院 zhyan1969@126.com 
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      【】 目的 了解恶性肿瘤患者在接受放射治疗期间的真实感受及了解家属的心理需求。方法 用质性研究的现象学研究方法,对13例首次接受放射治疗患者及家属进行深入访谈。结果 放射治疗患者及家属的真实体验为: ①自我感受负担较重;②消极应对放疗反应; ③医疗费用负担过重; ④积极应对方式; ⑤康复知识的需求。结论 护理人员应深入了解肿瘤患者的真实感受和家属的心理需求,给患者及家属提供有针对性的健康指导,提高放疗效果,改善患者及家属的生活质量,促进患者康复。 修改为:【摘要】 目的 了解恶性肿瘤患者在接受放射治疗期间的真实感受及了解家属的心理需求。方法 用质性研究的现象学研究方法,对13例首次接受放射治疗患者及家属进行深入访谈。结果 放射治疗患者的真实体验为: ①自我感受负担较重;②消极应对放疗反应; ③医疗费用负担过重; ④积极应对方式。家属的真实体验为:①压力过重;②不明确的预后;③ 康复知识的需求。结论 护理人员应深入了解肿瘤患者的真实感受和家属的心理需求,给患者及家属提供有针对性的健康指导,提高放疗效果,改善患者及家属的生活质量,促进患者康复。
      【】Objective To evaluate the real feelings of cancer patients and psychological needs family members.Methods 13 patients for the first time to accept radiotherapy and family members received deep interviews by phenomenological method of qualitative research. Results the real experiences of cancer patients and family members were : ①heavy pressure ②negativly coping with radiotherapy reactions ③expensive medical costs ④responding actively ⑤demanding of rehabilitation knowledge 【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the real feelings of cancer patients and psychological needs family members.Methods 13 patients for the first time to accept radiotherapy and family members received deep interviews by phenomenological method of qualitative research. Results the real experiences of cancer patients were : ①heavy pressure ②negativly coping with radiotherapy reactions ③expensive medical costs ④responding actively.The real experiences of family members: ①great pressure in mid; ②uncertain prognosis ③demanding of rehabilitation knowledge. Conclusions Nursing personnel should deeply realize true feelings of cancer patients and psychological needs of family members, to provide specific health guidance for patients and family members, to improve the effect of radiotherapy and quality of life for patients and family members, to promote rehabilitation of patients.
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