张洁,赵丹,聂溶冰,胥春.IPS e.max Press瓷贴面修复治疗的护理配合[J].上海护理,2014,14(8):
IPS e.max Press瓷贴面修复治疗的护理配合
The nursing care for IPS e.max Press ceramic veneer restoration
中文关键词:  瓷贴面  修复  护理
英文关键词:ceramic veneer  restoration  nursing care
张洁 上海市交通大学附属第九人民医院 lionhate@qq.com 
赵丹 上海市交通大学附属第九人民医院  
聂溶冰 上海市交通大学附属第九人民医院  
胥春* 上海市交通大学附属第九人民医院 imxuchun@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 83
      目的:探讨IPS e.max Press瓷贴面修复治疗的护理配合措施。方法:口腔修复科护士积极参与IPS e.max Press瓷贴面修复治疗全程,配合医师开展四手操作,并协助医师做好与患者的沟通和心理疏导,完成10例患者共24颗瓷贴面的修复治疗。结果: 24颗瓷贴面除1颗脱落外,其余23颗瓷贴面在随访期内均未发生损坏、脱落,患者对瓷贴面修复效果满意。结论:口腔修复科护理人员积极学习并掌握新材料、新技术的特点和应用方法,具备熟练的四手配合操作技能,掌握与医师、患者沟通的技能和健康宣教技能,对于保证IPS e.max Press瓷贴面修复治疗的成功至关重要。
      Objective The aim of this study was to discuss the nursing care for IPS e.max Press ceramic veneer restoration. Methods During the process of treatments of 24 teeth with IPS e.max Press ceramic veneer restorations in 10 patients, nurses in the department of prosthodontics actively participated in the four-hand operation and assisted the doctors in the communications and psychological counseling with the patients. Results During the follow-up period, the ceramic veneers remained undamaged and were satisfying except one veneer detached from the tooth due to the patient’s improper bite habit. Conclusion Nurses in the department of prosthodontics being familiar with the characteristics of new materials and the four-handed technique and being capable to communicate with patients and deliver health education is crucial for the success of the IPS e.max Press ceramic veneer restoration.
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