Nursing experience for “Little Yiyi”, survivor of a mayjor railway accident
中文关键词:  特大交通事故,多发伤,多学科,护理,认知行为干预,微博
英文关键词:Serious traffic accident, multiple injuries, multi-disciplinary, nursing, cognitive-behavioral intervention, microblogging
赵艳君 上海市新华医院 nice_moon@sohu.com 
陈海燕* 上海市新华医院 chy268@sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 2144
全文下载次数: 253
      目的 7?23甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故的幸存者小伊伊,病情复杂,通过对“小伊伊”整体护理总结车祸伤的护理经验。方法 成立特别护理小组,配合多学科提供护理。运用认知行为干预方法,对家属心理进行疏导。开设的“新华燕子姐姐”微博,传递小伊伊的情况。结果 小伊伊的患肢得到保留。小伊伊和家属的心灵创伤得到慰籍。首次运用自媒体,开辟了医患沟通的新渠道。结论 新华医院护理团队在此次项目中关注车祸伤患者及家属的心理需求,加强护士在多学科团队中的作用和影响力,更好的促进车祸伤患者心理生理的康复。同时可以应用自媒体等新兴沟通平台与公众及时沟通。
      Objective: The condition of “Little Yiyi”, who suffered from the 7.23 Yongwen line major railway accident, is complex. Nursing experience was summarized through the overall care for "Little Yiyi". Method: A special nursing team was set up to provide multidisciplinary care. Psychological counseling was applied to “Little Yiyi”’s relatives by cognitive-behavioral intervention. A microblogging named “Xin Hua Swallow Sister” was opened to report her updates. Result: The affected limb of “Little Yiyi”’ was kept. The psychic trauma of “Little Yiyi” and her family was mended. The self-media was applied for the first time which opened up a new channel of communication between doctors and patients. Conclusion: The nursing team of Xinhua Hospital paid attention to the psychological needs of patients and their families suffering from this traffic accident. The role and influence of nurses were strengthened in this multi-disciplinary team. Thus, the psychological and physiological recovery was promoted of traffic accident injury patients. Meanwhile, new communication platform such as self media could be applied to make timely communication with the public.
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