The anesthesia care of anesthesia nurses participating in the induction of aortic dissection surgery/WANG Shu-xin,HAN Wen-jun,Qian Huo-hong
中文关键词:  主动脉夹层手术  麻醉护士  麻醉诱导  麻醉护理
英文关键词:aortic dissection surgery  anesthesia nurse  anesthesia induction  anesthesia care
王树欣 上海长海医院麻醉科 925283650@qq.com 
韩文军* 上海长海医院麻醉科中心ICU 1332472367@qq.com 
钱火红 上海长海医院护理部  
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      目的 探讨麻醉护士参与主动脉夹层手术麻醉诱导期护理的效果。方法 选取2013年3月至12月在上海长海医院接受主动脉夹层手术治疗的52例患者为研究对象,根据患者入院时间的不同进行分组,A组为常规组,B组为麻醉护士参与配合组。比较分析两组患者麻醉诱导所需时间以及诱导期间血压和心率变化。结果 与A组比较,B组患者的诱导时间[(41.7±7.1)min]明显缩短(P<0.05),血压波动范围[(47.3±10.4)mmHg]与心率波动范围[(25.1±6.8)次/min]明显减少(P<0.05),B组患者对麻醉工作的满意度也高于A组。结论 麻醉护士配合麻醉医师实施主动脉夹层等大手术患者的麻醉诱导,可以减少诱导所需时间,提高麻醉医师实施麻醉操作的效果和安全性,在有效保障麻醉诱导期患者安全的同时提高了患者满意度。
      Objective To investigate the effect of anesthesia nurses participating in the induction period of the aortic dissection surgery. Methods Fifty-two patients undergoing the aortic dissection surgery from March to December in 2013 were divided into regular group (group A) and with anesthesia nurses participating group (group B). Time needed for induction of anesthesia and the variation of systolic blood pressure and heart rate, named as △SBP and △HR, were recorded and compared. Results Compared with group A, the time needed for induction of group B [(41.7±7.1)min] is shorter(P<0.05), △SBP [(47.3±10.4)mmHg] and △HR [(25.1±6.8)times/min] are lower(P<0.05), the patients' satisfaction is also higher. Conclusion With anesthesia nurses participating in the induction period of the aortic dissection surgery, can help to shorten the time needed for induction of anesthesia, to maintain hemodynamic stability and to improve the patients' satisfaction.
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