中文关键词:  血液透析患者  乐观  心理  质性研究
英文关键词:hemodialysis patients  optimism  psychology  qualitative research
乔建歌 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院,200240 qiaojiange2014@163.com 
林岑 复旦大学护理学院,200240  
张璐 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院,200240  
徐岭 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院,200240  
杨青敏* 复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院,200240 yangqingmin2001@yeah.net 
摘要点击次数: 1957
全文下载次数: 142
      目的 本研究旨在描述维持性血液透析患者乐观生活体验,以帮助医护人员有效的认 识患者的乐观,促进更多患者正性力量形成。 方法 采用质性研究中的现象学研究法进行研究,选取复旦大学附属上海市第五人民医院血液透析室17名患者作为研究对象,应用半结构式深入访谈和参与式观察法收集资料,采用Giorgi提出的六步分析法对资料进行分析和整理。 结果 乐观生活体验包括内在的正向特质、良好的社会支持以及主动融入透析的生活三个方面。 结论 乐观能够促进患者积极地融入透析的生活,在临床实践中,医务人员应充分激发血液透析患者积极的内因,督促家庭、社会提供良好的外部支持,积极拓展更多促进患者乐观心理的途径,以加快其对透析的适应。
      Objective To describe the maintenance hemodialysis patients optimistic life experiences to help medical personnel understand the patients "optimism effectively ,in order to promote the formation of positive force of more patients Methods Phenomenological approach of qualitative research was chosen for the present investigation. Semi-structured in-depth interviews and participant observation were conducted with 17 patients to collect data, whom were selected in Hemodialysis room of the Fifth People"s Hospital of Shanghai Fudan University from June 2013 to December 2013, and processed and analyzed by means of data analysis based on Giorgi. Results Optimistic life experience were concluded to three themes:inherent positive traits, good social support and active integration into life with hemodialysis. Conclusion Optimism can promote positive integration into life with hemodialysis. In clinical practice, medical personnel should be fully stimulate positive internal factors of hemodialysis patients, urging families and society to provide good external support, and actively develop more ways to promote patients’ optimism, in order to accelerate adaptation to hemodialysis.
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