Nursing intervention of botulinum toxin A injection for the treatment in the spastic cerebral palsy#$NLRehabilitation Center of Hunan Children's H ospita l, south China university academy of pediatrics in changsha city, hunan province, 410007
中文关键词:  脑性瘫痪 痉挛型 A型肉毒毒素 护理
英文关键词:cerebral palsy spasm type botulinum toxin A nursing intervention
苏珍辉* 湖南省儿童医院 502984373@qq.com 
胡晔 湖南省儿童医院  
丁玉莲 湖南省儿童医院  
杨细丹 湖南省儿童医院  
肖曙光 湖南省儿童医院  
张惠佳 湖南省儿童医院  
摘要点击次数: 2849
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      【摘要】目的 探讨A型肉毒毒素(BTX—A或衡力)改善痉挛型脑瘫患儿肌张力的治疗疗效及肉毒毒素注射的护理要点。 方法 接受A型肉毒毒素治疗的692例痉挛型脑瘫患儿,结合运动训练、针灸推拿等综合康复治疗及以家庭为中心的护理,治疗前后进行关节活动度测量和粗大运动功能评定(GMFM—88)。 结果 患儿经过3-6个月治疗和精心护理后,四肢肌张力明显改善,运动功能进步明显,未发生护理并发症 。结论A型肉毒毒素注射结合综合康复治疗,可明显改善痉挛型脑瘫患儿的肌张力,对于患儿的站立和步行功能的建立有良好的作用。配合以家庭为中心的护理和护理干预,可提高药物疗效,减少药物并发症的发生。
      【 Abstract 】 Objective: To explore the botulinum toxin A (BTX - A or lateral force) to improve the treatment of children with spastic type cerebral palsy muscle tension and curative effect of botulinum toxin injections of nursing key points. Methods: Botulinum toxin treatment of 692 cases of children with spastic type cerebral palsy, combining with the sports training, the comprehensive rehabilitation treatment such as acupuncture and massage and family-centered care, before and after treatment of motion measurement and gross motor function assessment (GMFM - 88). Results: Children after 3-6 months after treatment and careful nursing, limb muscle tension, motor function improved, no nursing complication happens. Conclusion: Botulinum toxin A injection combined with comprehensive rehabilitation treatment can obviously improve the children with spastic type cerebral palsy muscle tone, for the establishment of standing and walking function in children with good effect. Cooperate family-centered nursing and nursing intervention, can improve drug efficacy, reduce the disease diseases drugs.
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