中文关键词:  同伴支持  教育  2型糖尿病患者  胰岛素  规范注射
英文关键词:Peer support education  Type 2 diabetes  Insulin  Specification injection
基金项目:上海市奉贤区科委科学技术发展(编号:奉科20131408)。 夏引芳 葛文贤 于雪梅 李春燕 顾柳娜
宋爱华 上海市奉贤区中心医院 songaihua1973@163.com 
韩玉琴* 上海市奉贤区中心医院 hanyuqin1973@163.com 
夏引芳 上海市奉贤区中心医院  
摘要点击次数: 3521
全文下载次数: 1160
      目的 探讨同伴支持教育对农村城市化2型糖尿病患者胰岛素规范注射的应用效果,摸索同伴支持教育的有效性。方法 将155例接受胰岛素注射治疗的2型糖尿病患者采用抛硬币法随机分为对照组75例和观察组80例,两组患者健康教育内容相同,对照组由糖尿病专科护士对2型糖尿病患者进行胰岛素规范注射课堂教育;观察组实施同伴支持教育,从本院糖尿病俱乐部会员中招募自愿参加同伴支持教育的10名糖尿病患者,由糖尿病专科护士根据《中国糖尿病药物注射技术指南(2011版)》进行培训考核合格后,先由同伴支持教育者对注射胰岛素糖尿病患者进行胰岛素规范注射教育,糖尿病专科护士再对患者进行评估强化个体教育。教育前后两组患者采用胰岛素规范注射的知信行问卷调查,观察教育后患者胰岛素注射技术、发生低血糖的次数、糖化血红蛋白水平。结果 教育后6个月观察组胰岛素注射技术规范明显优于对照组(P<0.01)低血糖的发生明显低于对照组(P<0.01),糖化血红蛋白水平控制优于对照组(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义。结论 同伴支持教育能规范2型糖尿病患者胰岛素注射, 显著降低低血糖的发生率,达到患者和家属共同管理疾病,可操作性强,值得推广。
      Objective To investigate the effect of the peer support education on standard insulin injection operation in patients with type 2 diabetes in the urbanized rural.Methods Patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin injections were randomly divided into control group (n=75) and the observation group (n=80) by tossing a coin method. Health education content was similar in two groups. Insulin injections methods were taught by Professional nurses by class education in the control group. Peer support education was performed in the Observation group and 10 volunteers with diabetes were recruited from our diabetes club for the peer support education, and trained by diabetic specialist nurses according to "China"s diabetes drug injection technology guide (2011 edition)" and qualified. The volunteers regulated insulin injection operation by peer support educators, and then diabetes specialist nurses evaluated each patient and gave individualized education. Questionnaire of the awareness of standard insulin injection was performed before and after education of insulin injection technology; Indices such as insulin injection skills, the hypoglycemia incidence and HbA1c were observed. Results After 6-month observation, rate of standard insulin injection operation was higher, hypoglycemic incidence and HbA1c levels were higher in the observation group in comparison with the control group (all P < 0.01). Conclusion Peer support education improved the rate of standard insulin injection, decreased hypoglycemic incidence. And peer support education should be propagated in those patients requiring insulin injection.
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