中文关键词:  心衰  自我护理能力
英文关键词:heart failure  self-care ability
黄晓莉 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院 zhouyi1112@yeah.net 
庄国红* 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院 zhouyi1112@yeah.net 
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      目的 探讨慢性心衰患者自我护理能力的现状,为临床上提高慢性心衰患者自我护理能力提供相关的依据。方法 对97名慢性心衰患者采用自我护理能力测定量表(ESCA)进行调查评定,并对其相关因素进行简要分析。 结果 慢性心衰患者的自我护理能力处于中等水平,其中自理能力技能与健康知识的掌握处于中等水平,而自我责任感与自我概念处于高等水平。其中对于中低等自护能力水平的慢性心衰患者与高等自护水平的慢性心衰患者相比较,自护能力与健康知识维度得分差异有统计学意义。结论 慢性心衰患者的自我护理能力仍需不断提高,特别是自我护理技能与健康知识方面的提高,可从其影响因素进行针对性的护理,为今后的临床护理工作提供了相关依据。
      Objective to investigate the current situation of the self-care ability of patients with chronic heart failure, to improve the self-care ability of patients with chronic heart failure clinical provide related basis.Of 97 patients with chronic heart failure with self-care ability scale (ESCA) were investigated, and the brief analysis of its related factors.Chronic heart failure patients with self-care ability is in medium level, the ability to care skills and health knowledge mastering in the medium level, and the sense of responsibility and self concept at a higher level.For lower self nursing ability levels in chronic heart failure patients with higher since the protection level of patients with chronic heart failure, since the protection ability and health knowledge dimension score difference was statistically significant.Chronic heart failure patients with self-care ability still need to improve, especially the self care skills improvement and health knowledge, can be targeted nursing from its influence factors, to provides the basis for clinical nursing work in the future.
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