Analysis of the effect of Press-needle therapy combined with western medicine on the impact of pain after replantation of severed finger
中文关键词:  揿针疗法  中西医结合疗法  断指再植  术后镇痛
英文关键词:Press-needle therapy  integrative medicine  replantation  postoperative analgesia
朱琳怡* 无锡市第九人民医院手外科 13915278360@163.com 
张子凤 江苏省人民医院  
傅育红 无锡市第九人民医院  
马翠芹 江苏省中医院  
莫兰 无锡市第九人民医院  
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      【 】 目的 通过探讨揿针疗法联合镇痛药物对断指再植术后疼痛影响的效果,以寻找能减轻患者疼痛且不良反应较小的方法,从而降低血管危象的发生。方法 选取我科2016年1月~2016年10月断指再植术后患者258例,随机分为对照组(n=129)和观察组(n=129)。对照组患者在术后常规使用塞来昔布联合曲马多缓释片口服用药加自控镇痛泵的西药镇痛。观察组在此基础上使用揿针疗法的中医操作,采取中西医结合疗法。观察两组患者治疗后的临床效果。结果 对照组疼痛程度高于观察组(P<0.01);观察组在术后镇痛时不良反应的发生率明显少于对照组(P<0.01);血管危象发生率由20.16%下降至5.43%(P<0.01);术后1周睡眠时间观察组明显多于对照组(t=-8.65,P<0.01);观察组加用补救药明显少于对照组(P<0.01),比较2组差异具有统计学意义。结论 揿针疗法联合镇痛药物对缓解断指再植术后疼痛的效果显著,能有效降低使用镇痛药物后的不良反应,从而有效预防血管危象的发生,提高存活率,且安全、经济、方便,值得临床推广使用。
      Objective To investigate the effect of Press-needle therapy combined with western medicine on the impact of pain after replantation of severed finger , to find the method reducing the pain of patients and less adverse reactions, so as to reduce the occurrence of vascular crisis.SMethod 258 patients after replantation of severed finger in our department were randomly divided into control group (n=129) and observation group (n=129).SThe control groupwastreatedwithcelecoxib,ramadol and analgesia pump.SThe observation group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine therapy:Press-needle therapy ,based on the combined therapy of Western medicine.SObserve the clinical effect of the two groups of patients after treatment.SResults The pain degree of the control group was higher than the observation group (P < 0.01); the incidence rate of adverse reactions of observation groupwas significantly less than the control groupduring postoperative analgesia (P < 0.01); vascular crisis rate decreased from 20.16% to 5.43% (P < 0.01); sleep time one week after operation in the observation group was significantly more than the control group (t=-8.65,P < 0.01); the observation group added with remedial drugs significantly less than the control group (P < 0.01), with statistically significant difference between the two groups.SConclusion Press-needle therapy combined with western medicine significantly alleviate the painafter replantation of severed finger,also can effectively reduce the adverse reaction after the use of Western medicine, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of vascular crisis, improve the survival rate.It is safe, economical and convenient, worthy of clinical popularization and application
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