Relationship between PEPPI andthe frequency of emergency visits in patient with prostate cancer
中文关键词:  自我效能  急诊  前列腺癌
英文关键词:Self  efficacy, Emergency  departments, Prostate  cancer
陈晓萍* 徐州市肿瘤医院泌尿外科 江苏省
徐州市肿瘤医院急诊科 江苏省
曹敬毅 徐州市肿瘤医院泌尿外科 江苏省  
袁存红 徐州市肿瘤医院泌尿外科 江苏省  
宋墨 徐州市肿瘤医院泌尿外科 江苏省  
冯思利 徐州市肿瘤医院急诊科 江苏省  
朱希燕 河北医科大学第四医院手术室  
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      目的:探讨分析自我效能(Perceived self-Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions, PEPPI)与前列腺癌患者急诊就诊频率的关系及影响患者自我效能的因素。方法:收集来自2014年5月至2015年5月至本院泌尿外科门诊就诊的前列腺癌患者105例。采用问卷调查的方法收集研究对象的一般临床资料及PEPPI评分,电话随访患者急诊就诊次数。根据其PEPPI评分,分成高PEPPI组(25分)、中PEPPI组(21-24分)及低PEPPI组(<21分=。分析患者一般资料和PEPPI评分与患者急诊就诊次数相关性及影响PEPPI评分的因素。结果:随访期间,共有15(14.29%)名患者到急诊就诊,急诊就诊原因前三位是疼痛(21.43%)、尿潴留(17.86%)和留置尿管因素(7.14%)。相关性分析发现年龄(r=0.200,p=0.041)和Gleason评分(r=0.250,p=0.010)与急诊就诊次数呈正相关,PEPPI评分(r=-0.320,p=0.001)和收入水平(r=-0.260, p=0.008)与急诊就诊次数呈负相关。高PEPPI组、中PEPPI组及低PEPPI组的平均年龄分别是59.40±5.10、59.50±5.70、60.30±5.80岁,三组间差异具有统计学意义(P=0.034),其中高PEPPI组平均年龄最小,低PEPPI组平均年龄最大。高PEPPI、中PEPPI组及低PEPPI组高中及以上学历比例分别是15.38%、 17.86%、10.53%,三组间差异具有统计学意义(P=0.006)。其中高PEPPI组在学历上明显高于其他两组。在收入水平方面,月收入大于3000元的比例在高PEPPI组、中PEPPI组及低PEPPI组分别是81.58%、78.57%、53.85%,三组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P=0.016)。其中高PEPPI组在收入上明显高于其他两组。自我效能不同PEPPI组间在BMI、Gleason评分、首次治疗方式及是否有并发症方面,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对影响前列腺增生患者的因素进行多因素回归分析,其中年龄和受教育程度为影响自我效能的独立因素(P<0.05)。结论:前列腺癌患者与医生相互作用的自我效能高低与急诊就诊频率有关,自我效能高的患者急诊就诊频率低。而教育程度和年龄是影响自我效能的相关因素。所以,通过采取一些干预措施提高前列腺癌患者的自我效能,可以避免非急诊患者的急诊就诊,这有利于急诊资源的合理利用。
      ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between Perceived self-Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions and the frequency of emergency visits in patients with prostate cancer, and the factors that affect the patient''s PEPPI. MethodsOne hundred and five patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in the Department of Urology from May 2014 to May 2015.The general clinical data and PEPPI score of the subjects were collected by questionnaire. The number of emergency visits was followed by telephone follow-up. According to their PEPPI score, divided into high PEPPI group (25 points), middle PEPPI group (21-24 points) and low PEPPI group (<21 points). The correlation between general information and PEPPI score and the number of emergency visits and the factors that affect the PEPPI score were analyzed.ResultsDuring the follow-up period, a total of 15 (14.29%) patients were treated for emergency treatment. The first three cases were pain (21.43%), urinary retention (17.86%) and indwelling catheter (7.14%). Correlation analysis showed that age(r=0.200,p=0.041)and Gleason scores(r=0.250,p=0.010)were positively correlated with the number of emergency visits, PEPPI scores(r=-0.320,p=0.001)and income levels(r=-0.260, p=0.008) were negatively correlated with emergency visitsThe mean age of the high PEPPI group, the PEPPI group and the low PEPPI group were 59.40±5.10,59.50±5.70 and 60.30±5.80 years respectively. The difference between the three groups was statistically significant (P=0.034), and the average age of the high PEPPI group was the lowest, The average age of the low PEPPI group was the highest. The scores of high school and high PEPPI, middle PEPPI group and low PEPPI group were 15.38%, 17.86% and 10.53% respectively. The difference between the three groups was statistically significant (P=0.006). Among them, high PEPPI group was significantly higher than the other two groups. In the high PEPPI group, the PEPPI group and the low PEPPI group were 81.58%, 78.57% and 53.85%, respectively, and the difference between the three groups was statistically significant (P=0.016). Among the high PEPPI group, the income was significantly higher than the other two groups.There was no significant difference in BMI, Gleason score, first treatment and whether there were complications between PEPPI groups (P>0.05). Multivariate regression analysis was performed on the factors influencing the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the age and educational level were independent factors influencing self-efficacy (P<0.05). Conclusions Prostate cancer patients and doctors interact with the level of self-efficacy and emergency treatment frequency. Self-efficacy of patients with high emergency medical treatment frequency is low. The level of education and age factors are factors that affect self-efficacy.Therefore, by taking some interventions to improve the PEPPI of patients with prostate cancer, non-emergency patients can avoid emergency treatment, which is conducive to the rational use of emergency resources.
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