中文关键词:  低年资护理  核心能力  关怀能力  调查
英文关键词:junior nurses  core competence  caring ability  survey
范黎 中南大学湘雅二医院 19711659@qq.com 
李娟* 中南大学湘雅二医院普外五病区 425294954@qq.com 
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      【】目的:了解低年资护士核心能力、关怀能力的现状以及两者之间的相关性。方法 :对本院符合要求的342名低年资护士进行问卷调查,包括一般资料、中国注册护士核心能力量表和关怀能力评价量表。结果 :核心能力、关怀能力的总体平均分分别为 (2.54±0.51)、(5.36±0.54) 分。核心能力和关怀能力总均数呈正相关(p<0.01),除了关怀能力里的“勇气”维度与核心能力各个维度间无相关关系(P>0.05),其余维度两两间均显著相关(P<0.01)。结论:本院低年资核心能力和关怀能力处于中等及偏下水平,两者间水平呈显著正相关,关系较为密切。在针对于低年资护士的培训过程中,护理管理者应多关注低年资护士核心能力的提升,从加强评判性思维和科研能力上入手,同时通过培养低年资护士关爱的勇气,以期改善其关怀能力。
      Objective: To understand the core competence and caring ability of junior nurses in our hospital, and the correlation between them. Methods: 342 junior nurses meet the inclusion criteria were investigated with questionnaires including general information, competency inventory for registered nurse and caring ability inventory. Results: The overall scores of core competence and caring ability were (2.54±0.51) and (5.36±0.54) . There were positively correlated between core competence and caring ability(p<0.01).The correlations between courage dimension of caring ability and each dimension of core competence were not statistically significant (P>0.05),while correlations between any other two dimensions were statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusions: The scores of junior nurses" core competence and caring ability were at middle or low level, with significant positive correlation between them. In the training course, nursing managers should pay more attention on improving junior nurse"s core competence by focusing on the promotion of critical thinking and scientific research ability,and enhancing their caring ability by cultivating the courage of caring. .
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