中文关键词:  鼻内镜术  疼痛 心理分析  心理护理
施红 上海交通大学附属第九人民医院北部 1375936630@qq.com 
奚庆红 上海交通大学附属第九人民医院(北部)  
吴娟 上海交通大学附属第九人民医院(北部)  
摘要点击次数: 1520
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      目的 探讨心理护理对减轻鼻内镜术后疼痛的影响;方法 选择上海市上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院2014年3月~2015年9月我科诊治的鼻窦炎患者,纳入本研究并随访资料完整者42例,对照组19例,实验组23例,实验组除进行普通护理外还加以心理学规范化培训的护士进行心理疏导,比较两组患者的疗效;结果 实验组的疼痛控制情况明显高于对照组。结论 心理学辅导对疼痛控制有良好的控制作用,作为鼻内镜术后疼痛护理具有广阔的前景。
      Psychological intervention in the application of nasal endoscopic surgery pain nursing (North of the ninth people"s hospital affiliated to Shanghai jiaotong university, Shanghai, 201900,China)#$NLShi Hong#$NL: objective to investigate the psychological nursing to reduce the influence of nasal endoscope postoperative pain; Method choose Shanghai ninth people"s hospital affiliated to Shanghai jiaotong university school of medicine in March 2014 to September 2015 our department make a diagnosis and give treatment of sinusitis patients, included in this study and complete the follow-up data of 42 cases, 19 cases in the control group, experimental group 23 cases, the experimental group in addition to the ordinary nursing care is to be standardized training of nurses in psychological counseling psychology, compare the curative effect of two groups of patients. Results pain control situation of experimental group was obviously higher than that of control group. Conclusion psychological counseling for pain control has good control effect, as a nasal endoscope postoperative pain nursing has a broad prospect.#$NLS#$NLKeywords: nasal endoscopic surgery pain psychological analysis of psychological nursing
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