Labor pain experiences and pain management expectations: a qualitative study among postpartum women
中文关键词:  分娩疼痛 体验 管理期望 质性研究
英文关键词:labor pain, pain experience, pain management expectation, qualitative study
戚芳 复旦大学护理学院 15211170013@fudan.edu.cn 
丁焱* 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 ding_yan@fudan.edu.cn 
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      目的 了解产妇分娩过程中疼痛的真实感受,探索其对分娩疼痛管理的期望,以期提升产妇的分娩体验。 方法 采用描述性质性研究的方式,立意抽样选取12例经阴道分娩产妇,进行半结构式访谈,采用内容分析法进行资料分析。 结果 产妇经历了强烈的分娩疼痛,疼痛主要分布于下腹部、腰部、后背部、会阴部等,疼痛强度范围从中度到重度,以重度为主,疼痛评分多≥7分。但目前产妇对分娩疼痛的应对能力薄弱,助产人员对分娩疼痛的重视程度不足。产妇期望在分娩时能得到助产人员的支持和家属的陪伴,期望在疼痛强烈时应用镇痛技术,在产前获得分娩疼痛知识的教育。 结论 产妇分娩过程中会经历强烈的分娩疼痛,助产人员需要重视产妇的分娩疼痛,并对分娩疼痛做出有效管理。
      Objective To understand women’s experiences of pain during labor and to explore management expectations of these women so as to improve the care provided for women in labor. Methods The study adopted an exploratory descriptive qualitative approach and collected data through individual interviews. 12 cases of vaginal delivery were purposively sampled, and semi-structural interview was conducted. The data were analyzed inductively using content analysis techniques. Results Women in this study experienced labor pain rated from moderate to severe, mainly were with severe pain. The pain scores were generally above 7 points. The pain was felt in the lower abdomen, waist, back and perineum. However, the coping ability of women is relatively weak and the attention level on labor pain of health professionals need to be improved. What the women expect is that they need to get supports from health professionals and family members, and get pain relief methods when they cannot bear. They also want to get knowledge of labor pain relief information in prenatal and antenatal care. Conclusion Women will experience severe pain during labor. Health professionals need to pay attention to labor pain and manage labor pain effectively.
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