Evidence based practice of music intervention in patients after head and neck surgery
中文关键词:  头颈外科手术  音乐干预  循证护理  质量审查
英文关键词:head and neck surgery  music intervention  evidence-based nursing  best practice  clinical audit
周士萍 华东医院 zhousp16@163.com 
张焱 华东医院  
陆敏敏* 复旦大学护理学院 lmm789@fudan.edu.cn 
程云 华东医院  
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      目的 在头颈外科术后的患者中,实施基于循证的音乐干预,以提供优质护理服务,提高临床护理质量。方法 按照循证护理的方法,基于现有最佳证据,制定4条审查标准,首先进行基线审查,随后设计并实施相应的循证实践方案,最后进行第2轮质量审查来评价效果。结果 对头颈外科手术后患者实施基于循证的音乐干预后,护士音乐干预的执行力提高至100%,高水平焦虑患者人数由30%(9人)降至13.3%(4人),疼痛在更痛(3分)以上水平者由83.3%(20人)降至22人(73.3%)。 结论 基于循证的音乐干预有助于改善头颈外科术后患者的焦虑和疼痛情况,是病区开展护理服务质量持续改进的重要举措,今后需要进行持续质量审查,以不断提高护理质量。
      Objective To carry out evidence based practice of music intervention in patients after head and neck surgery, and to improve the quality of clinical nursing, Methods According to the method of evidence-based nursing,five audit criteria were identified.After a baseline audit,countermeasures were taken and re-audit was performed to determine the effect. Results The implementation capacity of music intervention by nurses increased to 100%, the number of patients with high level anxiety decreased from 30% (9) to 13.3% (4), The level of pain in more pain (greater than 3 points) was decreased from 83.3% (20) to 22 (73.3%).Discussion Evidence based music intervention can improve anxiety and pain in patients after head and neck surgery, improve the quality of nursing service.The audit and reaudit should be carried in the future to continuously improve quality of care.
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