The relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome in pregnant women
中文关键词:  试管助孕  体重指数  妊娠结局
英文关键词:IVF(in-vitro fertilization), the body mass index(BMI),pregnancy outcome
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      目的 研究我院试管助孕女性孕前体重指数和妊娠不良结局之间的关系研究。方法 选取于2014年5月到2017年6月在我院进行试管助孕前体检并分娩的产妇,并同时其男方精液检查正常,助孕成功的女性患者的检查结果全部是单胎,且全部登记详细的病史资料及体检资料。主要的调查内容有:患者的妊娠年龄、生育史、怀孕周期、孕前体重指数、既往病史资料、是否有家族遗传病史、是否吸烟饮酒和是否有代谢性质的疾病,例如:高血压、高血脂、糖尿病等。并在调查过程中连续记录孕期妇女体重变化的情况,并且在调查对象分娩后随访妊娠结局。结果 在3年的调查过程中,完善孕妇资料并且随访到妊娠结束的总共有3805人,调查对象的平均年龄是(29.15±3.26)岁,怀孕前体重指数的平均值是(21.23±2.03),孕妇在怀孕期间体重平均的增长数值大约是(14.13±4.65)kg,并且孕妇的怀孕周期越长,其体重指数以及体重全都有增长(P<0.01),具有统计学上的意义。所有的调查对象之中,有800人体重指数低于18.5,体重指数大于18.5小于24的共有2212人,体重指数大于24的有793人。孕前超重和肥胖组的调查对象孕期体重增加最多。体重指数异常者(低体重、超重或肥胖者),不良妊娠发生率均增高,且显著高于正常体重者(P<0.05)。结论 女性孕前体重指数的异常值与不良妊娠的结局发生有着密切相关,是多种疾病的危险因素,且孕妇怀孕期间体重的增长与其孕前体重指数有着不可分割的联系。
      Objective: To study the relationship between pre-pregnancy body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcome in pregnant women. Methods: we recruited the women who had the medical examination before IVF and delivered in our hospital from May 2014 to June 2017,and meanwhile selected the normal husbands’ sperm examination, the pregnancy results were all single-child, and we registrated all details of their history and examination datas. The main contents of the survey were: the patient's gestational age, fertility history, pregnancy cycle, pre-pregnancy body mass index, previous history, family history of genetic disease, smoking,drinking and metabolic diseases conditions, such as: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Diabetes and so on. During the investigation, the changes of body weight of pregnant women were recorded continuously, and the pregnancy outcomes were followed up after delivery.Results: During the three year survey, a total of 3,805 pregnant women were followed up until the end of pregnancy. The mean age of respondents were (29.15 ± 3.26) years old and the mean body mass index before pregnancy was (21.23 ± 2.03), The average weight gain of pregnant women during pregnancy is about (14.13 ± 4.65) kg, and the longer the pregnant women had, the longer the pregnant women 's body mass index and body weight had increased(P <0.01), there was statistical significance. Of all the respondents, the number of body mass index before pregnancy less than 18.5 was 800, the number of body mass index before pregnancy greater than 18.5 and less than 24 was 2212, and the number of body mass before pregnancy index greater than 24 was 793.The pre-pregnancy overweight and obese subjects had the most weight gain during pregnancy. Those with abnormal body mass index (low weight, overweight or obesity), the incidence of adverse pregnancy increased, and significantly higher than normal weight (P<0.05).Conclusion: The abnormal body mass index before pregnancy is closely related to the outcomes of adverse pregnancy and is a risk factor for many diseases. And the increase of women's weight during pregnancy is also related to their body mass index before pregnancy.
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